The system for starting the fed, or as I should be calling them now, Football Association seasons has changed with the new update. Previously it's been all systems go at 8pm on the Monday night, meaning we have to chase the users in, get everything locked tight and sort the money out asap - a big night. Now, the FAs get locked down by 8PM on the night before launch, so people can't join or change FAs in that final 24 hour window - makes things much calmer.
Which is a good job - the setup assistant also takes pressure off of the mods as it guides 'noobs' through the sign up process.

Still, something like 10% of the new guys look like starting the season without being in an FA, which is a real shame.
Especially as I, with the help of XFA orgs Mick and David, and EEFA org Jane, had reinstated an old FA to help cope with the influx. The old MLFA had covered a 0000-0900 time slot, but had never been a success and eventually closed down to due to lack of interest. It has now been re-designated as the Monster FA (abbreviation ROAR), a fed specifically for the new guys that runs 2000-0100 on 7 days a week - neatly covering the gap left by the Casual, Extreme, Weekend, Nighttime and Primetime Feds all being full! Richie Birchall will be helping out with the ROAR as well.
Even my precious DFA is nearly full, with 92 members at the last check. Crazy days.
So the plan is this: at 8pm tonight, the media money is paid out to the FAs. We assign the teams and the money to the leagues, and then we can press 'Go' at 8pm tomorrow night. Fingers crossed now...