The biggest casualty was defender Valerien Ismael. Rated at £375k despite his advancing years, the veteran was on a massive wage, and was the obvious casualty, leaving the Blades for just £1. I have a great young DC who's stepped into the breach admirably - though with concentration 7, he'll need to get his head down in training and work hard if he's going to fulfil his superstar potential.
The future is much more rosy now; I've scrapped my woeful U19 side to trim off a bit more, and some more tweaks here and then see my projection looking in great shape. I may yet get a Cristiano Ronaldo before the end of the beta...

The early season form has stabilised now thankfully, but I was woeful unti late on yesterday - a shock 3-2 win over the 4th ranked side in the gameworld saving my ranking bacon. I'm now back on track and looking good for mid-table obscurity!

Just looking at your league table I neglected to appreciate that one team could play so many more games before anyone else (32 played by Tottenham). I was just wondering if it would be a good idea for a column showing average points per game, or maybe projected points at season end (based on that average) to help people gauge how they're doing in comparison to others.
That is in fact a feature, or about to become one - I forget!
I'ven been reading your blog, nik, and it's fascinating for a non-FML player. There is still one thing though that confuses me - the calendar. How long is a game year in real life terms? Do players retire? I'm guessing playes must age quite quickly if newgens are making your side. Have you played it long enough so that there are no real life players left? If so, how is it playing with no RL players left?
It'd be great if you could answer some of these questions!
One season is 28 real world days, and the players age by 1 year every season. Come launch, there may be different speed gameworlds, or ones with fictional players - who knows!
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